Thursday, September 21, 2017

Why Is The U.S. Main Stream Media Ignoring The Story That ISIS Is Being Destroyed?

Paul Mulshine, Don't look now, but Donald Trump's strategy is beating ISIS in Syria

Did you see all those front-page stories last week about how ISIS is getting trounced in Syria?

Neither did I.

In recent weeks I read more about the high heels that Melania Trump wore on a trip to Texas than I did about the positive developments in a war that was at the center of the foreign-policy debate in last year's presidential election.

In that debate, you may recall, Donald Trump went against most of the candidates from his own party in welcoming the Russian military into the war against ISIS as an ally of Syrian President Bashar Assad.

"Russia wants to get rid of ISIS as much as we do because they don't want them coming into Russia," he said way back in 2015.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: My take on why ISIS has rapidly collapsed in the past 6 months has more to do with President Trump giving US Defense Secretary Mattis the authorization to pursue his annihilation strategy against ISIS than Russia or Syria upping their military campaign. Not surprising .... the main stream media is no longer covering this story, and if anyone wants to learn more on what is happening in the Middle East, you have to rely on the foreign press or military blogs.

Update: They have no choice .... Islamic State changes battlefield tactics to guerrilla warfare after losing territory to coalition (Washington Times).


fred said...

now now: when it is destroyed or evidence that it is close to it, MSM reports. They seldom write articles suggesting that ISIS nearly destroyed....some of us are old enough to recall the "good news" issued by the govt and the press about how well we were doing in Viet Nam, the daily body counts to assure us of eminent victory

Hans Persson said...

There is to many ISIS sympathizers in the western media for them to be reporting and celebrating about it yet.

Proof if this is that the Swedish government is giving homecoming ISIS fighters money, therapy, houses and jobs. And the cut in line for we, nationals.

Deiconik said...

Respect and honor, Hans. I cannot imagine how difficult it is to watch all that happening in your own homeland.

Deiconik said...

The hard truth is that the Bush/Obama strategy was, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."

Through blatant mistake after mistake, we created their ranks. Through corrupt politicians like McCain, we armed them. You do not need a crystal ball to know what went down in Libya. I was there.

If I lived in a sane world, my politicians would not be owned by war profiteers. Trump wouldn't have sold billions to Saud. Israel would stop stealing indigenous land. Iran and NK would be irrelevant. We wouldn't have central banks. Etc... etc...

fred said...

and if elephants could fly....

Deiconik said...

That is my point. Our species is psychopathic. The entire political world is corrupt. If you believe a politician, that is your fault.

Unknown said...

When they were gaining territory the media churned out coverage on stop.

Carl said...

And what are the Russians doing out there, eating bananas?

Unknown said...

Donkeys do fly. They outgas.

No thought of modesty and no concern for global warming.

Unknown said...

The MSM is as stupid as ESPN, the NFL & Hollywood.

They are all losing audience and they are all whistling Dixie (of course) past the graveyard.

Anonymous said...

This was just a continuation of the strategy from the prior Administration. During the prior Administration, Mosul was already being captured and was already surrounded. Also Isis capital in Syria was being surrounded by American backed Kurdish forces. The US didn't substantially increase troop numbers and mainly relying on Special Forces.

Unknown said...

During the last administration,

- Obama initially refused to bomb micro-refineries.
- Obama did not bomb oil tanker trucks. He leafleted them and then bombed them. Putin started bombing them and then Obama got it into gear.
- Kobani was under siege and 1/2 to 2/3rds taken until Obama was shamed and I mean shamed into using a small portion of the Air Force to save the Kurds.

We don't know everything, but in coming years, we shall learn how Trump ratcheted up the pressure doing things that Obama could have done.

If Kobani would have fallen it would have been a huge psychological defeat. ISIS would have redeployed and captured further Kurdish territory. Obama was pushed to do the right thing. It was not his natural inclination or his reasoned thought. It was due to polls.

In all of this, where was Samantha Power? She was 1/2 the reason he went after Qaddaffi. Here the Kurds are oppressed and 'lil Miss R2P is nowhere to be found.