Friday, February 26, 2010

After Many Arrests Will The Afghan Taliban Leadership Survive?

Afghan army commandos stand on a sand bank as a US army Apache helicopter flies above them on February 24, 2010. While the recent capture of Quetta Shura leaders was in Pakistan, the organization runs operations have a wide reach, including within Afghanistan. Newscom

Can Afghanistan Taliban Absorb Blow To Quetta Shura? -- Christian Science Monitor

The Afghanistan Taliban is under pressure with 7 of 15 members of its top leadership council, the Quetta Shura, recently arrested. But still in place are senior leaders who might step up and other senior Taliban councils responsible for different parts of the country.

The Afghan Taliban now faces what may be its biggest test in recent years, with 7 of 15 members of its leadership council, the Quetta Shura, recently captured by Pakistani authorities.

From its perch in Pakistan, the Quetta Shura is said to act as a nerve center for all of the Afghan Taliban’s operations, formulating military and political strategy, appointing field commanders, and managing a shadow government.

Read more ....

Update #1: What's the Quetta Shura Taliban and why does it matter? -- Christian Science Monitor
Update #2: Afghanistan war: Who’s who in the Taliban leadership -- Christian Science Monitor
Update #3: The Afghan Taliban's top leaders -- Long War Journal

My Comment: The list of commanders and senior leaders as outlined by The Long War Journal and CSM reveals an organization that has depth and extensive contacts throughout both Pakistan and Afghanistan. This tells me only one thing .... arrest one commander will only result with someone else being promoted upwards .... and there are many who can be promoted.

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